mardi 20 mai 2008

Niouzes du mardi...

bon, ben voilà un nouveau train de niouzes, ça ébulitionnes les rumeurs et les news en ce moment; on sent la sortie imminente de la V5, tout le monde y va de sa rumeur.

Donc le texte ci dessous vient de chez Warseer, pourvoyeur bien connu de news qui sont à 90% fiables:

"OK people, the dex is back from the printers and it's a real peach! Base rules written Jervis, trimmings written by Matthew Hoggard I think his name is.

The info bellow is 100% taken from a final print new SM dex.
Codex144 pages. (twice he size of the necron dex) Written by Jervis + MattCover art of Ultramarines
Section for each of the Chapters of Legend (like Eldar Craftworlds in C:Eldar) but without any in-game rules.
General Marine RulesCombat Squads works as codex Dark angels. 1 Heavy 1 special.
New marine rule, based on Ld, called Comabt tactics.
New Drop pod rule.
Traits dissapear.
Free frag grenades, krak grenades and bolt pistols.
Unit Rulesnew techmarine rules has a new option in the form of the thunderfireMaster of the forge, has a conversion beamer.
new land raider variant, called the Redeemer with Str 6 AP3 flamer sponsons and twin linked assault cannon. Sallies like this and the colour section has one in sallies colours.
3 Dread variants. Again sallies seem to favour the new Ironclad Dread which is like a heavy assault/breaching dread. (AV13)
New Veteran rules - Tactical Vets (special ammo like death watch.), and Assault vets (can have jump packs and an assaulted array of nasty CC weapons) can deep strike and assault in the same turn.
Scout bikers will remain.No two special weapons even for Sallies .
5 man terminator squads 1 heavy.
Commander in terminator armour on a bike or has a jump pack has no bearing on army selection.
However special characters do.
Rites of battle is gone. But marine captain get Halos
Special Characters11 specials which add chapter traits to your army, Calgar, Tigirius, Lysander, Shrike, Kronos, Sicarius, Kantor, Tu'Shan (WTF really hard guy probably the best sm charater in the game but at 200+ points...), Cassius, White Scar guy and scout character, all will have models.

Other StuffDrop pod kit looks similar to the forgworld kit but is hollow with seats around the edges and a control table in the middle. Storm bolter come down from the ceiling of the pod when deployed.
Drop pod kit priced about the same as rhino's (£18)
Codex release date is October
Plastic LR redeemer/crusaderPlastic Scout bikers, imaging scouts on scrambler bikes!Retooled Plastic Land speeder + another new varient which works with scout squads call land speeder storm.
Scouts have helfire heavy bolter rouns but are WS and BS 3 and are still troopsThunderfire a thuddgun/molemortar cross.
New metal range (I think more metal vets!..... again.... mmmm jump packs!)
New Sicarus now has hair and a beard! *shrugs* go figure!Razor back has may weapon option, twin heavy bolter, Heavy Flamers, Assault Cannons, Multimelta, Lascannon, and Lascon and twin plasma guns.
New HQ units.
Marines are now what you may call pretty hard!

Master of the forge

Vanguard Vets (tact vets)
??? Vets (assault vets)
Venerable Dreadnought
Ironclad Dreadnought
Techmarines - Thunderfire

Tactical Marines

Drop Pod
Land Speeder Strom (Scouts only)

Assault Marines
Scout Biks
Attack Bikes

Land Raider
Land Raider Crusader
Land Raider Redeemer"

les choses sympa à retenir:
- sortie en octobre ça colle avec la boite d'init en septembre et les SW à noel!
- 144 pages (ça sent le bon gros codex)
- un tas de nouvelles figs
- nouveaux véhicules
- regle spéciale qui sent bon (apparemment les marines pourrait volontairement raté leur test de moral et se replier pour ensuite se réorganiser (voir la description de Calgar dans l'actuel codex c'est lui qui a cette regle actuellement).
- nouveaux persos
- DROP PODS!!!!!!!!!!

PS: pour mon socle de titan je vais faire dans mon haricot... (franck je t'envoie le gabarit demain)


roro (princeps sur une jambe jusqu'à la hanche)

4 commentaires:

Bastien a dit…

Et en français dans le texte ça donne quoi?

Bastien a dit…
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.
Franck a dit…

Bon, en voilà de bonnes news... Par contre, au regard du nouveau matos sm (bolter, bolt pistol, grenades), peut être aurons nous intérêt à utiliser ce codex pour la pré hérésie...

roro a dit…

l'avenir nous le dira...

@bastien: t'es totally billingue voyons....